Version 1
My day normally starts around 5.30/6 when I get up and go for a run for an hour or so. When I get back I rustle up some homemade porridge for the children who then quietly get ready for school and nursery while I make myself beautiful for work. After the school and nursery drop off, I come into the office and spend my day running the multi national enterprise that is Sarah Kenny. I leave at 2.45 and pick the girls up. The afternoons are spent with the girls learning mandarin/the violin/anything which furthers their education while I rustle up a three course meal for the family. After dinner, it’s bath and bedtime for the girls and our evening is then spent watching highly educational programmes or debating the finer details of the budget or other hot topics.
Version 2
I drag myself out of bed around 7 and somehow manage to get showered and dressed before chucking some sugar coated cereal at the girls for breakfast. I manage to finish getting ready in between refereeing arguments and making them somehow presentable for school and nursery. After a mad rush to drop off at school and nursery I come into the office and manage to get some work done for the few hours I am there. Once I have picked the girls up, we quickly do a spot of homework if we have to and I shove them in front of the TV while I do a bit of housework before giving them some processed food for dinner. After their bath and bedtime, I collapse on the sofa and our evenings are spent in silence while he watches some sport and I read the paper.