And finally……

So it seems that the fear of being named and shamed has resulted in not as much for Children in Need through the office swear box, as we first thought, but seeing as we are a charitable bunch here, we have all stuck some money in the pot anyway!

The result that was pretty much expected with regards to the new Mayor, is that George Ferguson has been declared as Bristol’s Mayor.

Despite the dreary day, where it looks like were wolves are going to run out you out of the mist across the Downs, we have been busy with lots of viewings and have a couple of nice City Centre flats coming on next week in Deanery Road.

Sam and I are both looking forward to working tomorrow as I am sure that you can imagine and its off to Ameoba for a couple of well deserved cocktails!

Oh and its the Farmers Market on Whiteladies Road tomorrow as well, for all you foodies out there.

Have a good one!