A master class session at Averys’ historic wine cellars…

With the cold settling in, we are now well and truly into autumn so what better way to warm ourselves up but a wonderful wine tasting session?!

This coming Saturday 15th October, Averys’ historic wine cellars on Culver Street will be hosting a master class in four different types of wine.

The session will run from 1.00pm to 4.30pm and all participants will be greeted with a glass of champagne on arrival (I like the sound of this already…!)

The wonderful team have chosen four themes, each of which will be tutored buy one of their talented professionals. The themes will include “Hidden Gems of Italy”, “Wines of New Zealand”, “Wines of Germany” and “Top Fizz from Around the World”.

The session will be nice and informal, no prior wine knowledge is required and each of the team will give a great insight into their own favourite tipples.

Sound like fun? Well it gets better…there will be a collection of specially selected cheeses from Clifton’s very own Arch House Deli on offer to finish to session of perfectly.

Tickets are just £25 per person and there will be special discounts available on any of the wines tried on the day.

Averys, we love you and cannot wait!