Sarah Kenny’s top tips on caring for your home…

Now that we are well and truly in the midst of winter, turning up one’s heating seems to be the quick fix solution for looking after our homes. However, we have compiled a list of top tips that are usually overlooked during the colder months and should help give a little inspiration for how to care for your property at this time of year.

Ventilate Your Home – Did you know during your sleep you breathe out a litre and a half of water?! No wonder you find condensation on the windows when it’s cold outside… In order to minimise condensation, natural ventilation should be achieved as often as possible i.e. windows should be opened and extractor fans should be utilised. Tumble dryers should be adequately vented and wet washing should not be dried over radiators unless there is satisfactory natural ventilation.

Turn Down Your Heating! – Turning down your heating may seem ridiculous in this weather but it could save you money and lead to a happier home. Public Health England lowered their recommended living temperature to 18°C in 2014 and conveniently, research shows that turning your thermostat down by 1°C could cut your heating bill by up to 10%! So keep the dial at 18°C, save money and avoid the negative impacts of a cold home.

Keep Your Radiators Ticking Over – Bleeding a radiator is perceived by many as a daunting task but it can be easy and will help keep your home warm this winter. Radiators which are cold at the top and warm at the bottom are in need of a bleeding! Turn off your heating and get both a cloth and a bleed key ready. At the top of your radiator, turn the valve anti-clockwise until you hear a hiss (it’s only air!). Hold a rag below to catch any water that drips. Once water starts to flow, tighten the value up and you’re done!

Give Your Pipes Some TLC – As your heating system becomes clogged with lime scale, it has to work harder in order to bring your home up to the right temperature. Just 1mm of lime scale in your hot water system can increase your energy use by 7%. It can also damage your appliances. To avoid this from happening you can purchase chemical cleaners or go for a more natural approach using a vinegar and baking soda mix to clean the calcium buildup out of your plumbing. This is the cheapest and safest method.

We all love a cold and frosty wintery day and with these simple steps we can help keep our homes happy too!