a day in the life of matthew annesley……he seems to be getting into the swing of things, despite being the relative newbie!

A day in the life of Matthew Annesley……he seems to be getting into the swing of things, despite being the relative newbie!

I wake up to the sound of my alarm around 7.40 each morning and instantly whack on Sky Sports News for all of the unmissable overnight developments in the footballing world which always help to rouse me – or maybe it’s the sight of Charlie Webster that does it.

8.45am (ish) I arrive at the office and load up all of my emails, sifting through them ranking in order of urgency – from ‘no heating or hot water’ down to ‘my toilet roll holder’s a bit loose’. Deal with aforementioned urgent cases before retreating into the kitchen to grab myself (and Rachell if I’m caught) some coffee.

The next few hours usually fly by as I get to work responding to emails and calls, arranging relevant contractors, liaise with landlords and tenants, juggle numerous jobs at once and generally learn the true meaning of multi-tasking.

Every now and then I’m let out of the office to visit the properties we manage and carry out routine inspections which enables me to see first-hand any maintenance issues that may need attention. The upshot of this is that I get to visit some really nice properties, the downside is more often than not I manage to double my workload.

5.30pm comes around quickly where I down tools for the day, exchange plans for that evenings activities with the rest of the maintenance posse, and shoot off trying not to look too smug infront of the lettings girls who stay behind for another hour.