it’s pancake day!


There’s something about Pancake Day which just makes me happy! Of course traditionally, Shrove Tuesday is the last day of feasting before lent begins (tomorrow, Ash Wednesday) which is always celebrated 47 days before Easter Sunday, and it’s also one of the most delicious days of the year!

Now, everybody has their own preferred type of pancake for today…classic crepes, fluffy American, sweet, savoury…but I tend to stick with the traditional thin ones for mine. Below are some of my absolute favourite fillings (several of which I hope to be having for dinner tonight!):

• Crepes stuffed with ham, cheese and egg
• Baked spinach and ricotta (with a sprinkling of nutmeg)
• Blue cheese and mushrooms with a little bit of rocket on top
• Lemon and sugar (who doesn’t LOVE these?!)
• Nutella (I lived in France for a long time and think that this is pretty unbeatable…)
• Salted caramel
• Banana, Greek yoghurt and honey

To be honest, there are so many excellent options, I really could just keep going and going…

There are tonnes of great recipes online but for a pretty fool proof batter, this one here from BBC Good Food is a winner. Let us know what your favourites are and which ones you’ll be testing this evening!