Its Pancake Day!! Here’s our favourite topping – whats yours

Stuck for inspiration for pancake toppings? Here our 5 toppings to try!

Apple and cinnamon – stir in some cinnamon into the pancake mixture
and top with warmed apple slices and vanilla ice cream

Bacon and maple syrup – the classic American pancake combines
sweet, salty and smoky flavours.

Blueberries, honey and vanilla ice cream – warm the blueberries in 
pan with a dash of water and honey.  Squash a few of the berries to
make a sticky purple sauce. Spoon onto the pancakes and top with a
scoop of ice cream.

Chocolate pancakes with banana – add 2-3 teaspoons of cocoa into the
pancake mixture along with half a teaspoon of vanilla essence. Top
with banana slices, caramel and whipped cream.

Crepe Suzette – heat sugar, butter, orange juice and orange and lemon
zest. Then add Gran Marnier or Cointreau. Pour onto the pancakes
and serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

                                                 Why not buy a pancake shaper too! Available from POD: