Lovely homemade gifts – putting a real personal touch on Christmas this year…

Christmas shopping all done and wrapped?? I thought not!

Normally I am extremely organised when it comes to Christmas and love nothing more than getting everything done in November so that I can then enjoy December’s festivities. This year however I am weeks behind and wondering what an earth to have sent to everybody from Santa…

One thing I am certain about however is that nothing beats putting a real personal touch to Christmas presents. There are a few small things that are easy to make which I love to give and I know are much appreciated by my friends and family each year:

Biscuits! I have a bit of a weakness for shortbread and my family loved the jars of buttery biscuits I made for them last year. Recipes could not be easier with the majority requiring just three ingredients (butter, sugar and flour) and they look lovely in a pretty pot tied up with Christmas ribbon. There are of course plenty of alternatives too such as biscotti, cookies, flapjacks…whatever you fancy making will be much loved!

Chutneys, jams and conserves. There are so many different types of these that can be made and whilst they take a little more time than the shortbread they are just delicious with a Christmas plate of cheese and crackers (we made this one at home recently and it comes highly recommended;

Decorations and gifts for the home… There are thousands of ideas for these online (you could very easily lose an evening on Pinterest if you need inspiration) including Christmas decorations, homemade soap (I am dying to try this one!), hand decorated plates and mugs and that is just the beginning!

Photos.  It may sound silly but how often do we actually print photos any more?! Gone are the days when we’d drop cameras or films into Boots to be developed and wait impatiently to collect them a few days later. It is so easy now to take and store thousands of photos without ever really looking at them. Each Christmas I make sure I print photos for my other half to include all of the places we have been together over the course of the year or things that we have done so we can look back and remember how much fun we have had over the past 12 months – and he really loves them!

Christmas is all about giving and something you have put time and care into is really a lovely way to put a smile onto the faces of those who are important to you. Time to get creative everybody!