meet the team continues as we welcome back our emma!

Meet the team continues as we welcome back our Emma!

So, throughout last summer we did a weekly Meet the Team blog to introduce you all to each of us here at Sarah Kenny (which we loved doing!). In the last few months, we’ve had a couple of new team members join us and today we’d like for you all to say a big hello to our amazing Emma…

How long you have been at Sarah Kenny and what is your position within team?
I previously worked as a Property Manager for Sarah Kenny two years ago and I returned three months ago as Senior Property Manager. It has been like coming home!

How long have you lived in Bristol?
Originally from Frome, I moved to Bristol as a teenager and have since then always lived in close proximity to Durdham Downs in the areas either side of it so know these areas well and many of the people that live there.

What do you like about being part of team SK?
Having returned to Sarah Kenny, I really appreciate everything that the company stands for – professionalism, team ethos and treating people with care and respect.

Any hobbies or interests outside of work?
Having two teens leaves me with very little time for hobbies! Most of my time is spent running them around with their busy social lives or spending time with my friends over a bottle of wine comparing how awful the teenage years are!

Favourite places to go or things to do in Bristol?
A sunny afternoon at The Clifton Lido is my idea of heaven!

We are so pleased to have Emma back and part of team SK again (she’s so, so lovely!) Come back to see us next week gang as we’ll be meeting the newest member of our lettings team…see you again soon!