Only three days to go until CHRISTMAS DINNER!

So, all year round I stay active, am quite addicted to my fitness classes and for the best part eat healthily, however, Christmas is a time to indulge with those closest to you and I cannot wait to tuck into a delicious dinner this weekend…

Now I love a Christmas dinner with all of the traditional trimmings however for those of you looking for something a little bit different this year, take a look at the yummy recipes below:

Red cabbage braised with apple and bacon – Try adding a little star anise too for a touch of winter spice.

Saffron roasted potatoes or parsnips – The recipe is from the wonderful Delia Smith…need I say any more?!

I usually cook our sprouts with bacon but what about adding some chestnuts too?

Apricot and chestnut stuffing at Christmas? I trust anything that Mary Berry says and think I’ll try this one myself –

And do not forget to top it all off with lashings of gravy for which Nigella has a fab twist –

Finally, for a bit of Michelin magic (and for those who do not like Christmas pudding), this is great alternative for dessert –

I’ll be enjoying a feast with my in-laws next week folks so I wish you all a fantastic Christmas and a very happy New Year and I look forward to being back with you all in January!