Praise for our lovely lettings negotiator Samantha

We work with the most fantastic relocation agent, called AB Relocate who are based in Bristol and have done for several years.  We are so pleased as they recently took the time to write this glowing praise for Samantha who has worked with us for just over two years and we think this is a real testament to her hard work.

Well done Sam!

‘Just a short note to say the email below is a snapshot of the service you have given to us time and time again and we don’t often thank you.  Our clients really appreciate your light touch, gentle manner and professionalism.  Claire and I appreciate what you do enormously as your approach not only makes it much easier for the person moving to the UK but your input adds to the service we try our hardest to give ourselves and it feels like an extension of how we operate.
I think this is your nature and that you would be like this wherever you were but it is certainly an asset that ripples out to us.
Working with Sarah Kenny is always fun and a pleasure and there are many in the company who have and do help us in this way.  Reading your email prompted this one and reinforces how important integration is if a service is to be ‘seamless’ for the client.’