we’ve saved the best until last folks…say a huge hello to the big boss himself, peter…

We’ve saved the best until last folks…say a huge hello to the big boss himself, Peter…

So, you’ve met everybody on our lettings team, each of our property managers, the accounts department and our fantastic weekend staff, but none of us would be here without our one and only director Peter, who created SK with the lovely Sarah Kenny herself back in May of 1990.

How long you have been at Sarah Kenny?
Since its creation when Bristol was a very different city!

How long have you lived in Bristol?
I moved to Bristol from London in 1990 having been an estate agent previously (I’ve since seen sense!). Like many people who have moved to Bristol, I have remained here and now call it ‘home’.

What do you like about being part of team SK?
The fact that it is all about ‘Team SK’. I work with a fantastic team of individuals, who offer landlords and tenants alike, a professional, friendly and pro-active service. They truly care and it shows in the feedback we receive. They CARE and I am very proud that they strive to fulfil the aims we had when the business was established and still have today.

Any hobbies or interests outside of work?
Being a tad older than the majority, I have moved on from some of the excessive activities some partake in, though I did compete in the Great Bristol 10k this year and completed it on the same day I started!

On a serious note, enjoying my young and busy family takes up most of my time and keeps me on my toes. Otherwise, playing golf (sometimes) and desperately wishing I had practised harder in my youth!

Favourite places to go or things to do in Bristol?
A smorgasbord of personal recommendations (much like an Egon Ronay guide!)
Comfortable – Clifton Sausage
Proper pub – Miners Rest in Long Ashton
Great posh grub – Wilsons (agree with Laura). They have a fantastic small, daily changing menu so you can’t be fussy (and the food is excellent!)

One of the things I enjoy doing is watching one of my lads play rugby on various school/club pitches (why did he choose to play in the front row?!)

And there we have it gang, the big boss himself who looks after us all here every day and the last instalment in our Meet the Team blog. We have loved sharing a little about each of us with you all and hope you have enjoyed getting to know us a bit more too… We’ll still be in touch regularly with new thoughts and ideas for you all so keep on following us and we’ll be back very soon!