say good afternoon to alex…

Say good afternoon to Alex…

A big hello today to one very important lady here at SK, our brilliant finance manager Alex…

How long you have been at Sarah Kenny and what is your position within team?
I have been with Sarah Kenny for three years now and am Finance Manager.

How long have you lived in Bristol?
I have lived in Chepstow for twenty five years and am originally from Cwmbran.

What do you like about being part of team SK?
My job is technically interesting and keeps me nice and busy. I have lovely colleagues too which is always a great thing to be able to say.

Any hobbies or interests outside of work?
As my youngest son is starting university this month, I am finally hanging up my hat as a “touchline Mum” having spent the last ten years or more spending weekends at various rugby matches and gymnastic and swimming competitions.
I am very fond of musical theatre so I will hopefully be able to spend more time visiting various shows in Bristol and the West End.

Favourite places to go or things to do in Bristol?
My favourite place to go in Bristol is Fishers Restaurant just around the corner from us here in Clifton village – fantastic food and we really love it there.

So as our Meet the Team series comes to an end we have saved the best until last with the big boss himself up next Thursday – don’t miss out folks and make sure you check in with us again at the same time next week for a chinwag with Peter!