Tips to keep warmer this winter

Tips to keep warmer this winter.
With all the talk of fuel bills ever increasing and the cold winters we have experienced in recent years, it is no surprise that tenants are concerned with keeping warm.
Follow our simple tips to keep warm.
1.    Look at a copy of the EPC
An energy performance certificate (EPC) will be available for you to see on our website. This can give a good indication of how energy efficient a property is. The closer to ‘A’, the more likely it is to hold in heat and register lower utility bills.
If you’re unsure about what the EPC means for a given property, ask us for further information as we will be able to explain in more detail.
2.    Don’t forget the boiler
A new boiler can make a significant difference to heating bills; therefore it is always worth asking us when the model was installed. This can also be a factor if there are multiple showers in the property, which can be a drain on hot water levels.
All our gas boilers will have an up to date gas safety certificate showing that the gas appliances are safe.
3.    Paying the bills
While many landlords will state that electricity and gas suppliers should not be changed in the tenancy agreement, it is always a good idea to check. If they do allow you to change supplier, it is always possible that you could find a cheaper deal, meaning there is less pressure to use the heating sparingly.
If you are not permitted to change supplier, asking the current tenants about their experiences of running costs is a useful way of getting a broad idea of how much bills will be in a property, especially if there is a marked increase during the winter months.  There will also be an idea on the EPC as to how much you can expect this to be over a year period.
4.    Double glazing and curtains
Many properties lose heat through windows, so always check the glazing in each room. Single glazing or larger windows can often make rooms colder, and this should be a key consideration for winter months.
Curtains can be one solution to this problem, but are only effective if they are reasonably thick and are fitted to the window. For added warmth, be sure to ask us if we are happy for you to put up curtains if they are not already fitted.